About 50% of all air passengers have experienced earaches during a flight, or have them all the time. They occur most frequently during take-off and landing.
The cabin pressure changes by about 0.2 bar during take-off and landing. If pressure equalisation is not possible, such as with a blocked
Eustachian tube (Wikipedia), the eardrum is stretched. We feel this stretching as pain.
The Sanohra Fly for children and adults have a "pressure regulator". This slows down the increase in pressure in the ear.
The effect of the Sanohra fly earplugs was confirmed in a scientific study at the ENT University Clinic of the Charité in Berlin.
Dr. Dirk Jumah from the Charité Berlin commented:
"During the tests in the pressure chamber, we found that the earplugs used had no effect on the Eustachian tube, that the patients who had discomfort in equalising the pressure had less discomfort when using the earplugs."
The graph shows the pressure curve during a landing with and without Sanohra Fly.
Here is the TV report from "Einfach Genial" of the MDR.